Key Changes Effective July 2, 2024
*Solicitors are permitted from 10am thru 5pm on the following days"
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
*Solicitors are prohibited on Sundays and on Federal or State Holidays
*Permit fee increased to $100
*Internal Permit records are retained for 3 years
Per Village Ordinance, solicitors...
*Must cease solicitation and leave premises immediately upon homeowner or occupant request
*Must obey posted "No Solicitor" sings
*Must carry and display their permit while they are soliciting
*May only ring doorbells, knock, or engage with residents for solicitation between the hours of 10am thru 5pm on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat (No solicitation is permitted on Sundays and Federal
or State Holidays)
*If a solicitor does not display and cannot produce a permit, they may not be licensed to solicit within
the Village of Hudson and may be reported to the non-emergency number by calling 309-888-5030
Beyond the restrictions listed above, the Village of Hudson does not regulate the demeanor of individual solicitors. Remember however, that as a homeowner or occupant you may at any time ask a solicitor to leave your property. Every resident has the right to feel secure in their home, should you feel threatened or unsafe based upon a solicitor's behavior, contact the Police immediately.
'No Soliciting' decals are available at the Village Police Department and Village Office free of charge.
The Hudson Police Department issues permit and enforces this ordinance. Questions? Please contact the Hudson Police Department at 309-726-1001. Comments? Email Kevin Kelley, Police Trustee, at [email protected]