Official Hudson Village Plan – Phase II
- Maintain and update current properties/facilities
- Parks – Face lift/update: landscaping, trees/plants, paint and upkeep on equipment/picnic tables/etc. Focus on maintaining and updating a park per year and rotate between the three parks.
- Water House – bunker clean out and cleanup, exterior paint, install storm door
- Overhang/awning over water house entrance similar to the police department entrance
- Water lines - Potential size and age issues – When we do repairs we should be getting recommendations (engineering specific) to increase size where needed. Repair and upgrade aged lines at that time. Suggestion is to create a capital expenditures account to pay for this work. Funding for this account could be from an additional fee on the water bill.
- Village entrance and baseball field signs and landscaping – Village needs to own this work but create a plan and/or committee to work with a community organization, business, group of residents, other volunteers or help create a new club to volunteer to complete this work.
- On the year when some of the roads in the village are oil and chipped, widen multiple blocks of these roads at the same time.