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Welcome to Hudson, Illinois
Hudson is a small town in Central Illinois. We are located in the northwest corner of McLean County about 10 miles North of Bloomington-Normal. We have a population of about 1,800 residents. Hudson Elementary School is part of McLean County Unit 5 and has K-5, serving children from Hudson, rural students surrounding Hudson and north Normal. Students from Hudson then attend Kingsley Junior High and then on to Normal Community West High School. Hudson has become a "bedroom community" for Bloomington-Normal but has maintained a rural small-town feel.
The Village of Hudson Board is pleased to extend to you a warm welcome. Hudson is a vibrant and caring community that is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Modern conveniences with small town values exist in Hudson. A true spirit of community thrives in Hudson, “Product of the Prairie, Pride of the People”.
Village of Hudson Board